Sunday, July 03, 2005

Great weekend

Where do I start? I brought the family dog Jake over to my place last night - cocker spaniel, 7-ish-year-old male. No particular reason, I just figured he could use the change in scenery and I'd like a pet around the house for a while. My brothers might not like it, but oh well. My only problem with him so far is that he's a HUGE bed hog, as I found out last night. He'll be sleeping on his own doggie bed tonight.
Went into Winchester to see the fireworks with my roommate this evening. I hadn't been to a fireworks show in years, and I realized what a fool I was tonight. We need to have more good reasons to use pyrotechnics around here- 15 minutes a year isn't gonna be enough for me anymore...
And finally, the pastor this morning gave a GREAT sermon on prayer, which he's been doing a series on for the past few weeks. The timing was amazing- several of my friends from church were already planning a small prayer meeting at my place this evening. Job problems, family sickness/deaths, and just stuff that's been on our minds this past week. The power of prayer is awesome- so I'm told. I've been terrible at keeping up a good, constant prayer life by myself so far - hopefully this'll be a great help. Anyhow, hope you have a great 4th!

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