Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Moving On

I've finished signing up to move into a new apartment by the end of this month. It's a small place on the other side of town, but still close enough to work for me to walk (it's only about 4-5 blocks further away.) If all goes well, I'll start moving in over the long weekend coming up. Everything seems like it's moving too fast, but I'll manage prayerfully - I'll keep everyone informed as to how it goes! Pictures, even!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Surveyor's Nightmare

Um, WOW. I knew that the Europeans were train-happy, but this is amazing. I thought that there were a lot of parallel tracks heading into Union Station in DC, but Washington doesn't compare to this picture somewhere in London.

URL: http://preview.msnbc.msn.com/id/17043112/displaymode/1176/rstry/17042957/

Anyhow, I only had half a day at work today since I'm still pretty sick. Juice, chicken noodle soup, and old "Firefly" episodes were the lunchtime fare.

Switching gears, I feel like I am quickly coming to the end of my run with apologetics. I took my lunch break with a friend earlier this week, and I realized something as we talked. I've begun to increasingly dislike when I hear someone say about Christianity: "You've got to take it on faith". I fear being unable to explain Christianity to others, and I've been looking at "faith" like it's a cop-out. When you don't understand something, "
You've got to have faith" doesn't automatically make it the truth. Either the speaker hasn't studied enough to be able to explain it, or else they are lying.

Problem is, I've begun to make apologetics the "end-all, be-all" of my belief. As a result, my walk with the Lord has become very tedious. There is no emotion, no praise, just tedious belief. I accept Christ, but I do not love Him. I'm going to talk with one of the apologetics teachers about this sometime in the coming week

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ugh, part 2

Looks like I caught yet another cold. That's what I get for walking to work in the mornings, I suppose.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Checking In

The pictures I took from the Keidel's wedding didn't turn out well at all.

It bothers me, having to find my own apartment for the first time. I hate the idea of living by myself. I think that being so quiet is finally taking a toll on me.