Monday, February 18, 2008


I've finally set a few days aside for vacation in early April, right after another drafting seminar down in Richmond. I don't know what to do with my time off just yet - a lot will depend on the weather and if anyone else comes with me. I'd like to spend a day down near Grayson Highlands in the southern part of the state. Maybe I'll head the opposite direction and lookup old friends in Newport News. Maybe I'll just spend 4 days sleeping - who knows!

The last time I tried vacationing by myself didn't work out too well - loneliness set in after about 2 days, and I spent the rest of the week taking day trips close to home. We'll see about it this time.

I spent Saturday afternoon hiking near Signal Knob, just outside Strasburg. There weren't too many spots for pictures, but I'll post what I took later on tonight.

Good news - I'm meeting my both parents for dinner here in town in less than an hour. My mom has spent the last week in Honolulu (lucky bugger...) with Dad, who has been working in Pearl Harbor for the past few weeks. Dad worked all week, and Mom's not too adventurous, so she spent most of her time in Waikiki. They flew back together, and I'm interested to see how it went! (Looking back at the past few paragraphs, you can tell that I've got a bad case of cabin fever...)

Despite all the stuff I did this past week, loneliness and boredom are still my greatest struggles. I wish I knew what God has in store for me in the future. Keep me in prayer.


sarah said...

I will keep you in prayer. I understand lonliness and boredom!!

You could always come to Dallas...though not sure why you'd want to...dallas verses virginia...hummm..obvious answer there. :-)

Randy E. said...

Umm... it's warmer? It has better barbeque? Hiking trips? Rodeos? Just tell me when I hit the right one...

sarah said...

it snowed yesterday ;-)

perhaps - you can see the sky - alot of it. that's a good thing.