Friday, February 01, 2008

Letting go of the extremes

Thanks you both for the comments from a few weeks ago. While I can't say that I've gotten to be a better Christian in the past few weeks, I feel like I'm a little closer to finally "getting it". What I mean is, finding that balance between (1) always relying on my own willpower to obey God's will, and (2) using zero will power and just hoping that God will nudge slap me with instant, miraculous sanctification. I know that both extremes are wrong - I've tried them both within the past few months and failed horribly. However, I also know that I do need a certain measure of both willpower and faith, working together, to become a better Christian. I guess all that's left is for me to keep trying.

Non Sequitur: I had Indian food for dinner today. That green chicken was awesome. Seriously - green chicken kabobs. Yum.

Also Non Sequitur: I am getting REALLY stir-crazy. Anybody out there going camping sometime in the next month or two?


sarah said...

camping?! ME ME ME ME ME!
yes - that quote was on here - I stole it. :-]

also - I'm not a very good Christian either.


Aaron said...

I sure hope I can get out camping in the next month. I did get to go on an awesome snowy mountain hike last week (I have some cool pictures on my blog in case you want to be jealous).

As for 'being a good Christian', there is certainly a degree to which we are responsible to 'walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called' (Eph 4:1), but the main thing is really our relationship with God. Because of sin we were once completely cut off from God, but because of the sacrifice that God Himself made, taking our sin upon Himself at the cross, we now have a restored relationship with the One who flung the stars into space. How awesome is that? My advice is this. Keep on getting up each time you fall down, but don't forget to look up. Spend some time meditating on who you are in Christ (ie you are a new creation; you are forgiven; you are adopted as God's son, etc, etc). That last one should blow us all away with richness and significance. We in the west have lost much of our sense of family heritage, but in the ancient world, you were defined by who your father was. That's why Paul gets excited about this. We ARE defined by who our Father is, and our Father is God Himself. Wow. Carry on my friend. You are in good hands.