Monday, April 10, 2006

Mmm... Novicane

Check it out - a regular post!
Well, I took the day off on account of a dentist appointment this morning. I needed 2 fillings, and there are several more to go - this is what I get for not having any dental work done since before college. I blame Saga food for rotting out my mouth. The whole "needle in my gums" deal wasn't as bad as I remembered/feared it would be, and once that was over with, the rest of the visit was easy. My younger brother laughed at me afterwards whenever I tried to talk, still suffering from the numbness in the right side of my face. So I "borrowed" his Gamecube for a few days - that'll show him. Hehe.

I've been running again for the past month, and I'm almost back to form from last fall. I've been having a harder time this spring with sticking with it than I did last fall, however.

In nerd news, Doctor Who starts up a new season this weekend! I'll be firing up the ol' BitTorrent to download the new episodes, fresh off of BBC-1. Been keeping up with old 4B pals (Sullivan, Keidel, and Robbins) in World of Warcraft. Dwarven Priests rule.

...And softball practice starts this coming Wednesday. I've gotta find my glove.

...Also, any ideas on where to go for a week-long vacation this summer? I've got possibilities from thru-hiking Shenandoah Nat'l Park, to Theme Park hopping with my brother, to a formless road trip to who-knows-where.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

mmmm...formless road trip....
You can come out and see Arizona! Lotsa hiking here, especially if you're into that whole vertical distance thing.
Let me know how Dr. Who goes. Will it be a marvelous new series bring all the good from the old shows and adding a new twist of its own, or will it be a sickly, sacrilious attempt to blatently capitalize on someone else's imaginative work! As I've all but forgotten about the first one, I'll have no idea.
Until later, BEWARE THE BEAR!