Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sunday Notes

I figured it was easier to post my notes for Sunday here than to find a floppy disk and copy them onto it. Since my printer is down, I'll just copy and paste the text from here onto the family 'puter. See ya.

"Discovering God's Will"
Part 2 - "Are You Ready for This?"
Nov. 20, 2005

1. Is there a difference between seeking God's advice and pursuing His will?
- Why do people often want to know God's will, but are not willing to follow it?

2. Which do you think is more difficult: discovering God's will, or following through once you know it?
- What are those difficulties?

3. Name at least two attributes of God that make Him a desirable source of advice for your life.
- Knowing these attributes, what (if anything) still holds you back from pursuing His will?

4. According to Proverbs 3:5-6, what conditions must be met in order for a person's path to be made obvious?

- Leaving what is comfortable, changing our attitudes, letting go of our sinful desires (and addictions?) This is what drives our fear against "Acknowledging Him, in ALL our ways". More often than not, we already know where these weak points are in our lives, but we either didn't know that those weaknesses were the barrier to knowing God, or we knew but did not want to give them up.
- It is our WILLINGNESS to learn, acknowledge, and follow God's providential & moral guidelines that we find God's will for us.

1 comment:

Eric said...

half a year old or not, your comment is appreciated.