Monday, January 15, 2007

Chicken Random

~ Chicken Random ~

Serves: 1 hungry bachelor
1 medium chicken breast
barbeque sauce
tomato slice
parmesan cheese

Grill chicken breast, adding spices and/or marinade as desired (chicken shown plain). While the chicken is cooking, chop the tomato slice and scallions (and whatever other vegitables fit your fancy). Move the chicken breast to a frying pan on medium high heat, and spread barbeque sauce on top. Place the chopped vegetables onto the barbeque, and top off with a liberal helping of grated parmesan cheese. Let sit in the frying pan until cheese is partially melted.

It doesn't look like much, but boy did it ever smell and taste good! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

crackerhead said...

Have you ever considered applying to be a contestant on Iron Chef?