Sunday, June 11, 2006

Question of the Day

After spending the past several months studying apologetics, I've gotten myself a little depressed over this issue: How can there be so much evidence for God out there, yet so little in my own personal experience? I've got plenty of "head knowledge," that is, I know the Bible, I could tell you the basic arguments for God, and I certainly believe them myself. Yet, when I look for evidence for God in my own life, I see nothing that I can differentiate between God's doing and mere circumstance. God is real, but how do I go from seeing God as being "out there" to seeing God working in my life?

I believe, but I find it so hard to act on what I believe....

1 comment:

sarah said...

i feel like i should have some answers but I don't. I often end up wrestling with God just like Jacob. if you ask Him to show His face, can't hurt...i definitely know that all my faith [what little there is] originates from Him.

I haven't gone yet to TN - planning on it this weekend, but it's honestly still not for sure.

hey! do you want to save up for a year then take 6 months off work and hike the AT with me?! :-]

p.s. 'random' question - do you have any sisters?