Friday, October 07, 2005

Wait... what did I just say I'd do?

This past Wednesday, I was asked if I would speak for a week or two for the 20-somethings group at church in a few weeks. I've helped out the group for over 2 years now, but its just been setup, powerpoint, that kinda thing. To be honest, I had no clue where to even begin, and I was REALLY hesitant about saying yes. In fact, the exact words that I used were more of a "ehhh...well... I'm not sure...", which Casey took as a definitive "yes." Phooey.

What pushed me into this really? I know that if I take this challenge seriously, and work hard, I can learn TONS compared to sitting back and listening. I betcha you can still remember snippits of speeches or other presentations you had to give in front of the class from way back when. Learning and teaching are two completely different things. Plus, it gives me a chance to exert some faith that I've had trouble exercising lately.

Something I decieded the other day: I've spent the last month or so trying to learn about faith, and how I can't do good on my own. Unfortunately, I've been dragging that fact in the wrong direction by not trying so hard to do good and generally resigning myself to the idea that I'll never learn anything until God bonks me over the head. Where is that verse "You will find Me if you seek after Me with ALL YOUR HEART"? My heart hasn't been into it lately. Now, if I can somehow turn this into a mini-sermon...

In other news, rain stinks. I wanted to go backpacking this week, but oh well. I haven't gotten enough sleep lately anyhow. I did get a new road bicycle this past weekend, and have been putting it through the paces lately. The rides are getting especially nice this time of year.

1 comment:

sarah said...

yes...we can learn and learn about faith but there comes a point where we have to practice it. reminds me of the Rich Mullins without works is like a screen-door on a submarine :)