Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Nothing too deep or thoughtful today, just keeping the blog up to date. I still haven't gotten the chance to go camping this fall, and it's quickly getting too cold around here, so I don't know if I still want to or not. If the weather's nice this weekend, then maybe. This week's been dull, and has gone by very quickly. Still, I keep busy after work between running (getting a lot of miles in lately,) ConneXion stuff (meal/Bible study tonight,) and chores around the house. And re-discovering Mario on my old Nintendo on Halloween night. We just got another roommate here in the DudeHouse, so between the three of us we could make things really interesting around here (insert squeaky laugh.) Spiritually, I've been pretty stable lately. No big questions or doubts, no deep truths or discoveries.

Anyhow, I'm hungry. Time to go fill up on dinner.

(edit, 8:30 PM) Go pickup a copy of "Lord of the Beans", the latest Veggietales video. The new silly song is the bast laugh I've had in a long time. Not to mention the terrible puns and plays on the movie and book.

1 comment:

sarah said...

what's the latest veggie tale movie called? i could use some laughs. :)